6 Rules for Creating Money

Put money into your savings fund each month This is the one rule that everyone should abide to. The amount doesn’t have to be a lot. In fact, it has to be a figure you can commit to each month - in which case, at least 10% of your income. The key here is consistency [...]

Important Property Investment Trends to Consider for 2017

The second half of 2017 promises a roar in the property market.  According to various outlets, the property market will continue to see significant growth in the last months of 2017 for a few major reasons and trends. For the investor out there looking to enhance their portfolio or anyone with the thirst to create [...]

Where to Invest in Australia: Regional or Metropolitan Areas?

Ask just about any property investor to tell you the three most important things to look out for in a property, and you’re likely to hear: “location, location, location.” That is the most important decision you’re going to make when buying an investment property. You could be looking for an area with a high growth potential or [...]

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