The Rise of the Dark Side in a Hot Market

A hot market always brings new property spruikers and dodgy real estate sellers into the game. These people will use misleading data to create spooky wealth creation strategies. They’ll promise unlikely mortgage payoffs, tax benefits, unique SMSF setups, rental guarantee incentives, free services, off-the-plan promotions and so on. I see potential investors get hooked [...]

Luxury Skyscrapers – The Killer Pitch!

Architectural design has evolved to be ever more impressive, overwhelming, and beautiful. An admirable amount of money and time is invested into structural innovation so that each construction project contributes elegance and awe to a city’s skyline. The video describes the Australia 108 project which saw a building rise 100 storeys above [...]

How To Make Money in Real Estate Investment with Low Risk

Making money through real estate is easy. Indeed it takes a bit of time, but quite promising. Don't get me wrong; not everybody can make serious money through this Real Estate channel if we follow the crowd. First, try to avoid asking for advice from those who can not truly help you build wealth through [...]

What Is A Property Spruiker And Why You Should Avoid Them Completely

In a nutshell, a property spruiker is someone who uses excessive emotional manipulation when it comes to advertising something concerning property investment. Most of the time, property spruikers would relate personal stories such as how someone had made a great deal of money through property investment. Different types of emotional manipulation techniques are applied during [...]

Key Indicators To Seal A Good Deal

As an investor, it is important to be well-equipped with the necessary knowledge to avoid making bad investment decisions or risking your long-term financial goals. Here are a few key indicators you should know before investing. Let us look at it with a few examples. Example 1 - Brand New Townhouse 2 levels, 3 bedrooms, [...]

The Deadly Myth of Long Term Investing

Whenever the subject of long term investing comes into the picture, we can never fall short of hearing all sorts of stories from real estate investors. Some wished they had bought a certain property 30 or 40 years ago, while others regret their decision of not buying a few of the hot properties. In short, [...]

Why Property Procrastination is Keeping you Poor

Every one of us suffers from this predicament. Times exist when you get overwhelmed by a decision and you choose to not to act. Procrastination is the cause of many missed deadlines, wasted opportunities and sub-par work. Taken to the extreme, it can cause irreparable damage to your financial wellbeing. When it comes to investing [...]

Property Investment in Australia: A Guide for Overseas Investors

The Australia Government views foreign investment as a nest for the country’s growth. Its foreign investment policy on property emphasizes investment into “new dwellings.” Partly, as a way of creating construction jobs but also to enhance economic growth. It is a favourable view, particularly for an overseas investor. Investing in Australian property has become a [...]

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