About Yaron Gal

Yaron Gal was a Networking and Security technical expert and manager in the IT industry. After much research and study, he developed a system of investing, and he bought more than a handful of properties in the first two years. He became so passionate about the real estate market; particularly investment and wealth management. This gave him the drive to quit his secure job after 13 years in the industry and to establish his own business. He has since helped hundreds of clients grow their wealth utilising this system. Today, InvestinProperties Pty Ltd act as a buyers advocate with a focus on unique property risk research. The result? A powerful, done-for-you system that pinpoints exact locations to buy high growth properties in Australia. A ground-breaking service that's taking the guesswork out of property investing and is transforming the way we should invest in properties.
Don't hold back on your dreams.

Key Indicators To Seal A Good Deal

As an investor, it is important to be well-equipped with the necessary knowledge to avoid making bad investment decisions or risking your long-term financial goals. Here are a few key indicators you should know before investing. Let us look at it with a few examples. Example 1 - Brand New Townhouse 2 levels, 3 bedrooms, [...]

Crucial Risky and Faulty Investment Warnings

10 years ago I booked for a wealth seminar on one of my free evenings. It was held by a well-known Wealth Creation and Education Company - I was curious to find out what they had to offer. The 2-hour seminar cost about $70. The goal of the 2-hour talk was to convince the audience [...]

Will the Australian Property Market Collapse in 2018?

The year 2017 turned out to be quite a year for property investments. Growth occurred especially in Sydney, while other cities that were predicted to perform well showed no growth at all. Fast forward to the first quarter of 2018, the property market scene has been  far less robust. According to the media, there is [...]

A Critical Warning for Property Investors

10 years ago I booked myself in for a wealth seminar one evening. It was held by a well-known Wealth Creation and Education Company - I was curious to find out what they had to offer. The 2-hour seminar cost about $70. The goal of the 2-hour talk was to convince the audience to attend the [...]

The Deadly Myth of Long Term Investing

Whenever the subject of long term investing comes into the picture, we can never fall short of hearing all sorts of stories from real estate investors. Some wished they had bought a certain property 30 or 40 years ago, while others regret their decision of not buying a few of the hot properties. In short, [...]

Investment Lessons from a Farmer

Having a long term investment is similar to a farmer having to take care of his crops. Whether you begin from planting a seed or a young tree, it takes time for it to grow into a bountiful harvest. Apart from time, you also need a lot of patience and make necessary steps to ensure [...]

Banking On Long Term Investments

The likes of Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham and Peter Lynch are highly successful investors at their own right. They are living testaments that good investments can put their financial life in order and give them a good life. For the average Joe who is new in the investment game, what can you learn from these [...]

How to Manage Your Property Investment Risks

Today, the market is saturated with property investment companies. Most are primarily focused on getting you to invest in their properties, making you believe you can achieve your dream of gaining high returns within a 10 to 20 years span - leaving you financially free and all set for early retirement. A handful of these [...]

Why Most Property Investors Are Gamblers, Not Investors

Many people today aspire to become successful property investors. However most of them end up not having any real investments. Before long, they become gamblers of the property market - buying properties only to leave the fate of their investments to lady luck. Now if luck is on their side, then perhaps a couple of [...]

Should You Invest for Growth or Cash Flow?

At one point, property investors would find themselves asking this question to themselves or fellow investors - invest for growth or cash flow? To put it bluntly, investing in growth and cashflow are equally important, however the choice on which one you should invest in first highly depends on your financial standings, goals and attitude [...]

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