About Yaron Gal

Yaron Gal was a Networking and Security technical expert and manager in the IT industry. After much research and study, he developed a system of investing, and he bought more than a handful of properties in the first two years. He became so passionate about the real estate market; particularly investment and wealth management. This gave him the drive to quit his secure job after 13 years in the industry and to establish his own business. He has since helped hundreds of clients grow their wealth utilising this system. Today, InvestinProperties Pty Ltd act as a buyers advocate with a focus on unique property risk research. The result? A powerful, done-for-you system that pinpoints exact locations to buy high growth properties in Australia. A ground-breaking service that's taking the guesswork out of property investing and is transforming the way we should invest in properties.
Don't hold back on your dreams.

Property is a Risky Business for the Uninformed

With an ever-changing real estate landscape, risk assessment is becoming more and more important when buying a house or apartment. How do we define risk? Risk is defined as ‘a situation involving exposure to danger’. In real estate, this is the difference between an investment being a financial (or mental) burden or one that positively [...]

Investment properties: Don’t Hope. Know.

 The purpose of this video is to distribute the message of Investinproperties and also to emphasis the simplicity and the logic that we put in real property investing. The is no real SECRET, and I don't hold a CRYSTAL BALL either. However, the philosophy is to know what you are doing and do it [...]

If Only We’ve had a Crystal Ball in Opportunistic Market

COVID-19 impacted the economy and people's state of mind. We always discuss the property wealth path and the portfolio approach to protect our retirement, but more. So, what's happened? People forgot their dreams and goals in terms of wealth and properties, and although we are in the opportunistic market, we still do not dare to [...]

The Opportunity in Contraction

In 2008, the world experienced the start of a significant contraction (GFC), led by the collapse of the housing market, extending to bank collapses in the United States and Europe. This contraction resulted in bank failures, bankruptcies, foreclosures, and the subsequent failure of entire industries. While I would prefer to experience economic expansion, of course, [...]

The Brutal Truth Behind Real Estate Sales That Nobody Wants You To Know

Buying a property investment through a real estate professional or an experienced investment strategist can be mind-boggling. Most of the time, you do not know whether the person is trustworthy enough to talk with, has zero interest in the deal, or is capable enough to understand your projected ROI and willing to help you to [...]

5 Lessons Your Children Must Know

We are investors that walk on the wealth path. This path is not a straightforward way or convenience, but we do it to achieve a better outcome for future life security. We should not forget that our family and especially our kids, must follow the same vital wealth principals too. Below you can find five [...]

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